By Colin Tanner-Tremaine
This time last month we had just been given notice to vacate our “Paddington Station” which we did so. Since then not much has happened on our model railway front. Although we had been offered another “box” there was much to do in planning our new layout and more importantly to get our new room suitable for our use before the 12th Dec, the day on which we were to host the next swap meet. So I spent considerable time and energy communicating or chasing the centre management to appoint a contractor to install power and lights in the ceiling and painting of the walls. It was only last Monday the 8th that an electrical contractor was appointed so he only had 4 days to install a new DB and the 10 lighting battens and 4 power sockets. Could this be done, in Africa?
Also the room was full of junk and layers of dirt and dust. The mall janitor was instructed, on the Monday to get the place cleaned up. He had 4 days to do this. Should be possible but in Africa? Not so sure.
Now we have the swap meet to consider. We could not use the Mall between Maxis and Absa, the Mall in front of Paddington’s was not available either, as other traders and stalls were set up there, so we were limited to the mall by our new shop. Now based on the plan that our new shop would be ready we could place 20+ tables in there and fit the other 22 in the passage outside. Fine, or so I thought. On Wednesday I did an inspection of the premises and guess what, nothing had been done. So some serious discussion with the Mall management followed. On Thursday the electrician had installed the new power outlet sockets and the DB. No attempt had been made to clean the room. On Friday morning the electrician was busy at work but no attempt had been made to clear the rubbish; so more hard words with the centre management. Just where was this elusive and idle janitor. Eventually he pitched up and so the cleaning process began. So maybe all will be well for our swap meet. The plan was to set up the table on the Friday afternoon ready for an early start on the Saturday but at 5 pm nothing was completed. The electrician and his team were hard at work and the cleaning crew were hard at it so I went home at about 6h30 satisfied that all would be completed and ready for us on the Saturday. But you guessed it. At 7am on the Saturday morning the room was still full of junk, but we could see it better now as all the lights were up and running. The electrician finished his work at 3am! Thanks for the commitment; I will give him a Bells for that.
Thankfully we have some dedicated and hard working members. This team got stuck in cleaning up the room, the broom was ably handled by Hansie and our vacuum cleaner was put to good use by Glynn and others. All of the tables were soon erected, located and the table cloths were in place. However we could not use all the space in our shop so some rapid planning and the balance was located in the Mall, some where we were not allowed to. But it worked and everyone was happy. Due to poor ventilation and lack of air chillers we purchased 2 oscillating fans seen here being assembled by our technicians!
Not one shop owner complained. Actually 2 did, Mr Price and Aminas’, their problem being that it went very quiet, after the customers disappeared when we packed up!
So that was the saga leading up to the swap meet. But what of getting our new box ready for the trains? On Monday nothing happened apart from me getting cross again. So on Tuesday the cleaning gang finally got to work to finish off their job so on Wednesday we could move, which we did. BUT, can you believe it not all the junk had been taken out. Once again our EMRIG team got down to it and removed said rubbish. Then the fun began, moving the modules and other stuff into our new box, which is officially known as shop 23. We had a good day from 9h30 till 16h30 the result being a new DCC layout all modules in place and lined up, just the electrics, Loconet and skirting to hang. So on Friday another work party will hopefully complete these tasks and have trains running by Saturday morning. The Jean Dulez layout is also in position; the N gauge line will be erected and commissioned on Saturday, latest. Today I will more keys cut, and notices printed and laminated.
So that is where we are now. The future will bring our AGM which will probably by held on the second Sunday of January and the next layout visit will be to Scibono on the last Sunday of January. The new committee will then take over and plan for 2016.
All the best for Christmas and the New Year, may it be a happy, safe, healthy and prosperous one for you and your loved ones.
Colin TT
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