About Us

Welcome to the Eastern Model Railway Interest Group web page.

As the name implies, the club is an interest group, and is not specific to any modelling scale, era, railway, or continent. Interests range from live steam to real steam, diesel, American, British, European and modelling scales of all types.

The Club is a permanently Nomadic group that has constantly been on the move from venue to venue on a semi permanent basis.

The club was situated in a small office complex upstairs in Northmead Mall, Benoni, almost directly above the Pick & Pay.  However, due to the costs of renting there, and more specifically, the costs for electricity and water, the membership decided that it was no longer feasible to continue there and vacated the premises.

The club is once again nomadic with occasional get togethers at certain events or locations as and when possible. The committee is looking at alternatives and if a suitable facility is found again, we will announce it here.

The club has various layouts, consists of one large HO/OO layout comprising 45 modules with a run of over 55 metres as well as a N gauge and HO gauge Exhibition layout.

The Club also has regular outings to members’ layouts to see what they are doing, as well as other interesting places like Transnet’s shunting yards, Gautrain workshops, Live steam clubs, and the like.

Everyone is very welcome to join the club and is encouraged to come and enjoy our wonderful world of model railways, and check out the scenery too!

To get in contact with the club with the interest of joining or knowing where we will be next, please send an email to the following: –

The links below are copies of our constitution and our module standards. The Constitution basically defines the club’s mission and controls the club administration; the module standards defines the specifications and construction of the modules.

EMRIG Constitution Issue 2 (12-03-2017)

Module Standards Issue C 2020

New Membership Application

Below is a selection of photographs of some of the modules that are incorporated in our previous layout at Northmead Mall. Our members build and decorate their modules to suit their taste. By joining them up with others we create a large layout with the trains running through different scenes varying from a wine farm near de Doorns, to an English hill with castle, to Stonehenge, an American commuter station and even through a tunnel under Mount Blanc! Through this varied scenery you will see trains of different Nationalities running through our wonderful world of model railways.

Planes, Trains & Automobiles Hobby Fair

A week after the Toyz 4 Boyz event at Rand airport, EMRIG will also be participating at this years Planes, Trains & Automobiles Hobby Fair on the 2nd of April 2022. The event will be at the SAA Historical Museum, Dakota Crescent, Airport Park, Rand Airport, Germiston. Why not do 2 shows, one after the …

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Boyz 4 Toyz

EMRIG will be participating in this years Toyz 4 Boyz. The event will be happening at Phoebus Aviation Rand Airport on the 27th of March 2022. Come along and visit us as well as see what everyone else has to offer. Hopefully see you all there.

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