[singlepic id=295 w=300 h=233 float=right]The EMRIG club again has a new lease of life for the foreseeable future after a good 4 months of nothing!. The owner and management of Northmead Mall have allowed the club to move into the old “Paddington’s” bookshop after they unfortunately moved out about 2 months ago.
Last Sunday (12-04-15), a gang of guys got together and started moving the HO modules down to the store from the “Warehouse / rubbish dump” room, where the equipment was being stored. All the modules were put in place, individually on their legs before load shedding put an end to the rest of the day.
Today (19-04-15), the gang got together again and the gods were with us. The power stayed on!
Firstly the n gauge show layout was moved down, set up and running in about an hour. As members were arriving, they all climbed into the HO DCC layout and started the task of joining the modules, levelling them and then fitting the sometimes finicky set track links between the modules. When there were enough people, the new layout from Jean Dulez’s friend was transported down to the shop. It took a bit of huffing and puffing, but in the end was put in place with Jean getting to work on it in quick time. Before long it was running a single SAR loco.
Work continued on the main layout. Working out which cables went where on Colin TT’s yard modules amongst other things. Curtains were put up and by the look of it, the team had a very good time.
Unfortunately, we did not get to the point of actually running a train, although we were very close :-).
Can you believe that only one chap brought a loco down to run on the layout and he did not know what the number was LOL. Oh well, next Saturday, we will be up and running in pretty much no time. Kobus and guys diligently worked at getting all the modules joined and set track in. So, stay tuned for more news next week.
Oh, and by the way, why don’t you come down and visit. Look at the Contact page for directions on where we are.
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