
To build and maintain a model railway one needs trains, controllers, materials, equipment, track, locomotives, scenery, etc. We are often asked where can one obtain these items. This page lists the major suppliers in the Gauteng area and also many overseas suppliers who can trade with us. Many have very good websites which you should visit to obtain full details of their products and services.

Hobbies and Models

Located at 54 York Road in Kensington South, Johannesburg, this family-run business stocks many items in the Hornby, Bachmann Europe, Peco, Graham Farish, Woodlands Scenics and many other products. Probably the most popular supplier in our region.

Go to their website for more information.

Craig’s Models cc

Another family business run from home with a good website Craig has a wide range of stock and can obtain from the suppliers any item that you may want. Search his web site and buy online. Not only does he supply model trains, but also a wide range of other items such as aeroplanes, military items, scenery and building structures. Craig always attends the local swap meets, so see him there.

Dreamtrains cc

A major supplier of model railway items with a comprehensive website They have a great range of stock and can obtain from many suppliers any items that you may want. Go to their web site and browse the shop and buy online. Included in their product range are many accessories, scenery and building structures. Wynand and his team always attends swap meets in most major centres including Benoni, Pretoria  and Krugersdorp in Gauteng, and in the other provinces. Details are on their website, so see him there.

Model Train Exchange

A well established supplier to the model railway fraternity, they concentrate more for the continental and American modeller and represent many suppliers including Atlas, Athearn, Bachmann USA, Microtrains, Walthers, ROCO, Fleischmann BEMO, Brawa, and DJH for SA Steam. Go to their extensive web site for further information. Their shop is near the centre of Randburg at  Whitecliffs, 5 Dover Street, Ferndale.

Mark Trains.

Mervyn runs a second hand “shop” at his home where he has an extensive range of pre-owned, second-hand, used model train items, all makes, mostly H0/00 scale. He will visit old layouts and offer to purchase unwanted model train items, which then are put up for sale at the next swap meet. Mervyn is also the main man for organising our local swap meets, he also distributes his newsletter “The Express” to many modellers. Naturally he attends all swap meets, to which he brings loads of his stock. His stall is always the first to be visited by the keen buyers.  If you are late you will miss out!

Marksman Miniatures

A new name in the model railway scene run by Rory and Mervyn Mark, who produce a wide range of signs and labels for the railway modeller. His new web site is so go and visit him there.


Web page: –

Located in Farrarmere Trekeivestreet 1 Benoni

Open every Friday and Saturday, other days on appointment for your decoder fitment, new trains and scenery, tracks and all related products including free advice over a cup off coffee Stock a vast range off model railroading equipment in various scales from T to Cape guage 1

Crossroads Hobbies

Based on the West Rand, Roelof Opperman runs a small business dealing in new and used model trains and aeroplanes. A regular attender at the swap meets, his stall is well worth a visit as you never know what you may find. Roelof can be contacted on his cell 073 147 1422 or by email on

The Marklinist

The owner Riekus van der Westhuizen has an “Aladdin’s Cave” of model railway items from many makers including Marklin, Fleischmann, ROCO, Rivarossi, Jouef, Faller, Kibri, Vollmer, Herpa, Albedo and many others. Also many accessories, decoders, scenery, buildings as well as providing a service to fit decoders, repair locos, weathering and testing. All sizes catered for from N to Gauge 1, he can also source LGB if you want. You can contact him on his mobile No 082 880 1767 or by email Best to go and visit his shop at 31 13th Street, Northmead, Benoni, but be prepared to stay a while and enjoy his Aladdin’s Cave.

Hattons of Liverpool

Hattons has been supplying railway modellers all over the world from their large shop and stores where they stock over 9300 items. They have a well organised business and offer a good same day service to export, VAT free ex UK by Royal Mail insured or Courier service. Their stocks are mainly British outline Hornby, Bachmann, Graham Farish, Peco plus many others and not only model trains but all the accessories, road vehicles and buildings. Go to their web site and enjoy your browsing around their shop. On line purchasing is slick and quick. I have received items from them within 4 days, by DHL Liverpool to Benoni!

Digital Command Control (DCC) systems.

Digitrax is probably the most popular in South Africa but ROCO, Bachman and the Hornby systems are also available from the suppliers listed above.

For DIGITRAX the local agent and stockist is John Burkhardt at

Burkhardt’s Bahnhof, P O Box 8712, Edenglen, 1613, South Africa

Tel  +27 11 974 93 67, Cell +27 82 881 32 69, Fax +27 86 684 24 82,

e Mail address

We at EMRIG use Digitrax DCC, which meets all our requirements.

Timber and associated Hardware

H &S Timbers (Pty) Ltd in Wilstead Avenue, Benoni.  Tel 011 422 3223, stock most items that will be required to build modules and base boards at reasonable prices. They will also cut to size but you will probably have to buy a complete sheet/board.

Cork sheet

Cork sheet for track underlay and other applications can be obtained at Vikela Aluvin (Pty) Ltd on the corner of Refinery and Sharland Streets, Driehoek, Germiston,1400. Telephone 011 825 3648. They can supply in 3, 4, 5 and 6mm thick sheet sizes 1,000 x 500mm for example. They can supply a wide range of security sealing products, go to their web site for more details

Steel and associated Hardware

Steelmate (Pty) Ltd at 16, Top Road, Boksburg North carry a wide range of steel sheet, rod, bar, tubes and pipes plus all the nuts and bolts, brackets and tools that you could possible need to build your layout, or gates, fences etc.

They also have a branch at 318, main Reef Road, Apex Industrial Sites, i.e on the road from Benoni to Brakpan. Telephone 011 421 0066

Electrical Items.

East Rand Electrical Wholesalers in Howard Avenue, Benoni, East of Voortrekker Street,  for Electrical Items including wire and cable, terminals and ferrules, plastic conduit,  and all items required in household electrification.

Electronic Components

For transistors, diodes, resistors, LEDs,  transformers, plugs and sockets, enclosures, meters and tools the companies below will be able to supply all your requirements.

  • G T Electronic Components cc, First Floor Furniture City, 139 North Rand Road, East Rand Mall Tel 011 823 1458/9
  • Roleen Electronic Components cc East Rand Towers,136 North Rand Road, Boksburg, Telephone 011 826 2436  opposite the Shell Petrol station
  • MANTECH ELECTRONICS are International Component Distributors situated at 32 Laub Street, New Centre, Johannesburg. Phone 011 493 9307. They have a very wide range of items in stock so best to search their web site to find what you want.  Phoned in orders and over the counter cash sales welcomed.

Model Railroad Specialists

Based in Plumstead Cape Town  in Model Railroads as well as a full range of Architectural model  building supplies and accessories. They  stock a large variety of model  building material including K&S metal shapes, Evergreen plastic  sheets and shapes, model trees, figurines and model cars. You will  also find Triplex, Foam board and a large selection of paints, glue  and tools in our store.In  store you’ll find a variety of Scale models ranging from  construction  models in 1:50 scale with brands such as NZG and Norscot . Our model  car range starts with Maisto 1:18 scale right down to Wiking and  Herpa 1:87 scale.

We  stock the following brands: Märklin, Minitrix, Brawa, Piko, Hornby, Lima,  Faller,Vollmer, Kibri-Viessman, Noch, Heki, Auhagen, MSP, Woodlands  Scenics Herpa, Walthers, Atlas, Athearn, Peco, Wiking, NZG, Norscot,  Maisto  Tamiya, Italeri, Mirage Hobby, Revell,  Dragon, Plus Models,  Herpa Wings,  Airfix, Artesania, Humbrol, Vallejo Paints.

Hobbytech CC

121 Jan Hofmeyer Road, Westville, Durban.

Contact: (031) 266-4472

Miniature Railways

Mail Order Shopping.

Contact: (011) 487-3518 or Web:

The Model Train Shop

Stockist of Marklin, Hornby, Trix, Atlas, Kibri, Noch. A large range of N and HO Model trains and accessories from Hornby and other manufacturers.

Honey Crest Shopping Centre,  Cnr Beyers Naude Drive and Duiker Avenue.

Contact: (011) 795-3270 or Web:

The Shunting Yard

Sunninghill Village Shopping Centre. Cnr. Maxwell Drice & Edison Cresent.

Opposite Megawatt Park,(Behind the Shell Garage),(Near Woodmead)

Contact: (011) 234-9935 or

ZA Trains

Ed Keown – dealer in second hand stuff. Free evaluations. N scale specialist.

Cape Town

Contact:  e mail

Cell: – 082 775 5003


Caves is situated in Greenstones shopping centre, Bedford, and Eastgate. Their motto is “finest Toys and Hobbies for Everyone”. They have a good selection of HO Hornby railway stock and an incredible selection of hobby paint by different suppliers such as Revell, Humbrol, Tamiya and others. Apart from the trains, they have a wide selection of toys that will cater for the whole families needs.

Mini World Models

Mini World Models have an online shopping website selling many HO.OO products. We are very proud of our models and try to maintain a high standard in everything we do.

We also offer a service whereby you can order a building to your specifications and needs. The Mini World Models concept has been specifically developed to provide the average ‘HO”00’ modeler
with realistic buildings every bit as good as the best scratch built structures seen on exhibitions and in magazines.

You don’t have to be an expert modeler to use our products. All our models are complete, (plug and play concept) No gluing, no painting required.
Order TODAY! We are just a click away!

Gordon Winson: –                          082 824 1392
Unit 11
George Business Park
Albert Street
South Africa
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 8.00am to 5pm

Kobus Pelser (Local agent): –          082 824 1392