Club Layout Vist to Graham Guthrie

[singlepic id=151 w=300 h=233 float=right]In September, the club members monthly outing was to Graham Guthrie’s home to look at his model railroad.

To say Graham’s layout is amazing is an understatement. As each member walked in, there was a stunned silence as each of them took in what they saw.  A complete, beautifully built and scenicked layout, in a room fit for the purpose, that he only started in 2006!

Graham’s railway is a Marklin setup with all the bells and whistles, figuratively speaking and actually speaking.The layout is fully signalled as well as automated. A computer running “Railroad and Company” software dispatches the trains and controls them at every stage of the run over the layout. There are two computer screens showing on the one, a graphical representation of the routes together with indications of where the trains are and what they are doing. On the second screen are graphical representations showing the throttles for each locomotive set. To watch the trains operating on their own was certainly an amazing sight.

[singlepic id=154 w=300 h=233 float=feft]

Then there was all the scenery and scenes! They can not all be described in full detail here, however. There was a helicopter complete with rotors spinning and sound, A group camping with one of them actually chopping wood, folk ice skating around an ice rink, a running water fountain. The list just goes on. To see just some of those scenes, watch the following video: –

Lastly, Graham’s better half outdid herself serving excellent snacks and drinks which the team devoured in short order. All in all the group had one hell of an excellent day, not to be forgotten in a long time. Take a look at the video and photos.

Now for the next exciting tour.

Till next time


  1. Hi guys

    Love the layout and its amazing to see what can be done in south africa!! I have created a Youtube channel of my somewhat smaller layout, it has a few how to guides and things which i have learnt while building my layout.

    If you are interested please see my channel here

    Thank you!

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